the wedding of dummy person and the other dummy person

Putri ke-undefined dari

Bapak undefined
& Ibu undefined


Putra ke-undefined dari

Bapak undefined
& Ibu undefined

Akad & Resepsi

Saturday, 31 December 2021

08:00 - 11:00

Sasana Budaya Ganesha

Jalan Taman Sari No. 52, Bandung

See on Google Maps

Protokol Kesehatan

Acara ini akan dilaksanakan mengikuti protokol kesehatan.
Maka dari itu tamu diwajibkan mematuhi protokol kesehatan, yaitu:

  • Menggunakan Masker
  • Menjaga Jarak
  • Mencuci Tangan


Our journey will begin after the wedding date. We have some wishlist that would be helpful for our journey and also you could send your blessing cashless through e-wallet or bank as follows.

Although the best gift and blessing would be your pray for our the best ❣

Tuan & Nona

See our wishlist



a.n. Tuan + Nona


a.n. Tuan + Nona


a.n. Tuan + Nona

Bank Accounts

Double-click to copy


a.n. Tuan + Nona

Double-click to copy


a.n. Tuan + Nona

Double-click to copy


a.n. Tuan + Nona


Anda dapat menuliskan pesan harapan, doa, dukungan, puisi, pantun, maupun candaan jenaka
untuk Tuan & Nonna pada kolom di bawah ini.

Your contact number/email is not to be shared to other parties, it’s only for our reference to respond to your message

Be the first to send your blessing for Tuan & Nona!